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15-Rural Development and Tourism

The chair of this working group is TBC in October. The "Rural Development and Tourism" working group can play a significant role in fostering sustainable economic growth and preserving the cultural and natural heritage of rural areas. This working group's...

EU Rotating Presidency

  The rotating presidency of the Council. The Council is chaired by a rotating presidency. Each Member State takes a six-month term at the helm, chairing Council meetings themselves as well as the gatherings of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper)...

2-Access to Finance and Business Angels Investors

The head of this working group is Mr Ricardo Luz Founder of Gestluz Consultores, MVentures, RHJA Accountants and Absolute H., Entrepreneur. Member of the Fiscal Council of 321 Crédito, IFC, SA and Payshop, SA. EBAN Board Member ( and Chairman...

16-Professionalization of Evaluation and Public Policies

The head of this working group is Vlatko Danilov MSc President of IRIPE Inter-Regional Initiative for Professionalization of Evaluation, and conference Former Coordinator of NESE, head of MEN. Activist and expert in development evaluation with experience in building evaluation systems....

Science Diplomacy: Vision, Instruments And Actors

  Science Diplomacy: Vision, Instruments And Actors. Showing this figure will allow trainees to understand ways in which science diplomacy can contribute to solving global challenges, to understand different aspects of the concept and to broaden the understanding that different actors...

5-Circular Economy and Transitions

The head of this working group is Prof.Dr. Ljubomir Kekenovski (Faculty of Economics-UKIM, Skopje) He is a Fulbright Scholar at MIT/ Harvard, USA on Entrepreneurship and now present professor of “Economics of the public sector”,” Industrial policy" and “Economics of...

3-Culture, Creativity, and Society Working Group

  The head of this working group is Nemanja Milenkovic, MSc. "One of the great challenges of every 'European capital of culture' is how to translate its complexity, in every sense, and bring it closer to as many people as possible,...

The Most Innovative Countries in the World-Europe-Middle East-Africa in 2022

  The Most Innovative Countries in the World in 2022. Since 2000, global investment in research and development (R&D) has tripled to $2.4 trillion. R&D spend is also casting a wider global net. In 1960, the U.S. made up nearly 70%...

8-Ecotoxicology, Toxicology and Human Health Risk Assessment

The head of this working group is Associate Professor Dr.Sc.Marijana Ćurčić Prof. Ćurčić holds her postgraduate education through courses organized by EUROTOX and IUTOX, scholarship of the Japanese Organization for International Collaboration (JICA), as well as the Karolinska Institute, Sweden....

ACRID Network in numbers

  ACRID Network is bringing together, connecting and offering project disseminating activities to more than 39 Mill citizens in EU Associated Countries. This is very important for young population, researchers, project results dissemination, and impact in EU projects, bringing additional value and...

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Workshop on Plastics, Rubber and Recycling

An international workshop on rubber recycling, polymer technology, and EU-funded projects. ETRA and AIMPLAS are organizing a dynamic workshop designed to explore...
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