
The woman who built a biotech business from an EU science contest

Andrea Stephany Diaz founded a startup to improve lung-cancer diagnosis after participating in a 2022 European event for young researchers. Andrea Stephany Diaz created a medical company after an EU event that she says changed her life. © Andrea Stephany...

Investing €12 million to Supporting women leading deep tech startups from Europe

About the scheme Women TechEU is a 2-year EU-funded project supporting women leading deep tech startup companies from Europe. Their mission is to create a more gender-balanced entrepreneurship ecosystem. We believe that diversity drives innovation, and we are here to provide...

Science, Research and Innovation Impact on the EU Market

Description During this session we will present and discuss the past and ongoing projects, explaining the activities of associated and candidate countries, developing recommendations for the future and the impact of science, research, and innovation in addressing societal challenges. Our aim...

Collaboration & Funding Opportunities among Quadruple Helix actors

Description The session is designed to bring together Quadruple Helix actors to explain their activities and express their needs for the Green and Digital transition. The aim of the session is to Improve the collaboration among academia, private sector, public sector,...

Higher Education Institutions and Future Education Needs for Green and Digital Transition

Expected to be panel on the Autumn event: 18-21 November 2024 Description During this session we will discuss about how the EU Green Deal and the New European Innovation Agenda with its 5 flagships can be implemented to help Higher Education...

Science Diplomacy for EU Green and Digital Transition

Description In this session we will bring together policy makers, including from Missions to the EU from Candidates Countries, scientists and researchers, entrepreneurs to explain their activities and express their needs for the green and digital transition and how to...

Task Force Work Group – Livestock Husbandry, Zootechnics, and Indigenous Natural Meat Production

Science and Research Task Force Working Group High Representatives are: Prof.Dr.Vesna Gantner, University of Osjek, HR. Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek. Vesna Gantner, PhD in Zootechnics from the biotechnical scientific field, agricultural scientific field. She is employed at the Faculty of Agriculture...

Meet the coolest professor Dr. Harun Baytekin from Canakkale University

Meet the coolest Professor Dr. Harun Baytekin from Canakkale University. In any situation, no matter what happened, you can never see him nervous or angry, he is always calm, and always smiling! He is an expert on bees, honey and...

Mixture toxicity at EUROTOX 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

MeeTox: Meet the toxicity – live safely (Erasmus+)Партнери на пројекту: Универзитет у Београду – Фармацеутски факултет (Београд, Република Србија), Хрватско токсиколошко друштво (Загреб, Република Хрватска) и Институт за медицинска истраживања и медицину рада (Загреб, Република Хрватска) Руководилац пројекта: проф....

New model predicts ten year breast cancer risk

  New model predicts ten year breast cancer risk. A team of researchers at the University of Oxford, led by the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, have developed a new model that reliably predicts a woman's likelihood of developing...
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Shaping Europe’s Future Competitiveness 2024

Shaping Europe's Future Competitiveness! 🌍 🇪🇺 A report for the European Commission by Mario Draghi, the former European Central Bank...
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