Brussels, 20 December 2024
On 20 December, the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd confirmed the completion of negotiations on a broad package of agreements that aim to...
EU, Western Balkan, Mediterranean, Sub Saharan Africa, Latin America, Caribbean
February 2025
Programme: Erasmus+ (ERASMUS+) | Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Capacity building in VET in South Mediterranean CountriesERASMUS-EDU-2025-CB-VET-SMC | | Deadline date: 27 February 2025 | Single-stage
Programme: Erasmus+ (ERASMUS+) | Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Capacity building in VET...
At the door of the results period 2024
Starting from the last week Friday, Erasmus+ National Agencies from some countries published the KA1 results
Expecting in the next month of time the results for KA2 to be published by all...
It is essential to pay homage to a variety of pollinating insects crucial for our food security. A number of EU projects contribute to their sustained survival.
Did you know that one third of the exciting range of everyday foods...
Current version
Version 1 of 28.11.2023
About the Programme Guide
The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is essential to understanding Erasmus+. It provides participating organisations and individuals a comprehensive list of opportunities supported by the programme.
It is an integral part of the 2024 Erasmus+...
Swift agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) revision, as proposed by the Commission in June 2023, is urgently needed in order to provide the necessary resources for crucial new needs, which cannot be financed under the MFF ceilings as...
Online information session:
Friday 10 November 2023 will provide information about the policy background, award criteria and application procedure of the European Universities 2024 Call for Proposals under the Erasmus+ Key Action 2.
The ‘European Universities’ initiative is part of the...
The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take a...
European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)
16 to 22 September – Mobility Week 2023 ; Discover HaDEA-managed projects contributing to sustainable urban mobility.
Mobility Week is the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility. The event takes place every...
The New EU-Africa Innovation Agenda to enhance cooperation in science, technology and innovation.
Yesterday, the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) adopted the new joint AU-EU Innovation Agenda,EN••• which aims to transform and increase the innovative capacities and achievements...
16th January - Panel discussions
Panel1: “Digital Transformation and Innovation Ecosystems” and
Panel2:“Green Economy and Climate Action”
Keynote Speakers: publishing...