Mr P

ACRID Network in numbers

  ACRID Network is bringing together, connecting and offering project disseminating activities to more than 39 Mill citizens in EU Associated Countries. This is very important for young population, researchers, project results dissemination, and impact in EU projects, bringing additional value and...

(No) sugar for my honey: OLAF investigates honey fraud

  The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) provided investigative support and on-the-spot checks in an EU action against honey adulteration led by the European Commission. ‘From the hives’ – as it was dubbed – was an EU coordinated action led by the...

How to increase the Innovation index of a country?

ACRID Network is focused on "How to increase the Innovation index of a country?" Increasing the innovation index of a country involves fostering an environment conducive to creativity, research, development, and the implementation of new ideas and technologies. A higher...

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Shaping Europe’s Future Competitiveness 2024

Shaping Europe's Future Competitiveness! 🌍 🇪🇺 A report for the European Commission by Mario Draghi, the former European Central Bank...
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