The ACRID Network and K4I Forum are organizing the event called Supporting the Drivers of the Green and Digital Transition in Associated and Candidate Countries, that will take place in the
30 and 31 January 2024, European Parliament in Brussels...
About ACRID Network.
First lesson is courage. Nobody has ever achieved anything big in business, or in any walk of life without courage. Of course, whenever you do anything big, you do feel a little scared. But, you’ve got to conquer fear to discover the hidden hero within you. With courage,...
MeeTox: Meet the toxicity – live safely (Erasmus+)Партнери на пројекту: Универзитет у Београду – Фармацеутски факултет (Београд, Република Србија), Хрватско токсиколошко друштво (Загреб, Република Хрватска) и Институт за медицинска истраживања и медицину рада (Загреб, Република Хрватска) Руководилац пројекта: проф....
EUR 420.1 million of funding available for research and innovation projects under Cluster 5.
We The European Commission has launched new calls for projects under Horizon Europe's Work Programme for 2023-2024 Cluster 5 – which groups together topics on Climate Action, Energy...
16th January - Panel discussions
Panel1: “Digital Transformation and Innovation Ecosystems” and
Panel2:“Green Economy and Climate Action”
Keynote Speakers: publishing...