Work Groups

17-Plants,Animal Science-Feeds and Animal Nutrition

The chair of this working group is Prof.Dr. Ergün Demir He graduated from Cukurova University, Animal Science Department in 1986 then started to PhD programme on Animal nutrition-poultry nutrition. He finished his PhD in 1994. He was rpro-rector and vice...

13-Municipalities and Cities in the Future

The Chair of this working group is Genci Kojdheli,MBA He is the General Director of Integration, Strategic Planning and Economic Development at the Municipality of Tirana, Albania. His prior engagements with the public administration include positions with the Ministry of Social...

Task Force Work Group – Livestock Husbandry, Zootechnics, and Indigenous Natural Meat Production

Science and Research Task Force Working Group High Representatives are: Prof.Dr.Vesna Gantner, University of Osjek, HR. Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek. Vesna Gantner, PhD in Zootechnics from the biotechnical scientific field, agricultural scientific field. She is employed at the Faculty of Agriculture...

12-Leadership working group

The Co-Chair team of this working group, to lead and manage the projects in Leadership were nominated the tram from the ISLAA organization, as they are the best in the SEE, CC and AC region, and one of the...

6-Digitalization, Business Development and Industry

The head of this working group is MSc Eleonora Blazevska Currently preparing PhD in Strategic Management at Massachusetts Institute of Technologies-Management Executive Education program for Innovation of Products and Services: MIT’s Approach to Design Thinking. Since 2011 and ongoing: Chief Business...

4-Climate, Energy and Mobility

  The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take a...

19-Raw and Critical Materials in the EU

Chair of this working group TBC in October. "Raw and Critical Materials in the EU" working group focuses on addressing issues related to the availability, supply, and sustainable management of raw materials and critical materials within the European Union (EU)....

18-Processing Data and Artificial Intelligence in Science

High representative in ACRID Advisory Board, and the chair of this working group is Eunika Mercier-Laurent PhD Among 100 world experts of Entovation Intl since 1996, she is President of Innovation3D, International Association for Global Innovation, chairman of IFIP WG...

14-Micro Credentials, Vocational Education and Training (VET) including

The head of this working group is Mr Konstantinos Androulakis, He holds an MSc in Economics, certified as Project Manager and General Director of the ECTE – European Center in Training for Employment. He has extensive experience in National Training...

10-Food, Bio-economy and Natural Resources

  The Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Research and innovation activities under cluster 6 will contribute to the objectives of the European Green Deal related to the Biodiversity Strategy to 2030EN•••, the Farm to Fork strategyEN•••, the European Climate PactEN••• and initiatives under sustainable industryEN••• and eliminating pollutionEN•••,...
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Workshop on Plastics, Rubber and Recycling

An international workshop on rubber recycling, polymer technology, and EU-funded projects. ETRA and AIMPLAS are organizing a dynamic workshop designed to explore...
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