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10-Food, Bio-economy and Natural Resources

  The Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Research and innovation activities under cluster 6 will contribute to the objectives of the European Green Deal related to the Biodiversity Strategy to 2030EN•••, the Farm to Fork strategyEN•••, the European Climate PactEN••• and initiatives under sustainable industryEN••• and eliminating pollutionEN•••,...

Mixture toxicity at EUROTOX 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

MeeTox: Meet the toxicity – live safely (Erasmus+)Партнери на пројекту: Универзитет у Београду – Фармацеутски факултет (Београд, Република Србија), Хрватско токсиколошко друштво (Загреб, Република Хрватска) и Институт за медицинска истраживања и медицину рада (Загреб, Република Хрватска) Руководилац пројекта: проф....

The bigger the problem, the bigger the innovation

  ASML's CEO Peter Wennink, European Commission’s head of cabinet Diederik Samson and ING's chief economist Marieke Blom discussed boosting Europe and the Netherlands' future earning power through innovation and collaboration at the opening of the academic year at Eindhoven...

ACRID Network Vision and Mission

Vision ACRID Network aims to be the best and different R+I&D Network in South East Europe and Associated Candidate Countries with impact in Academic and Private Sector, bringing educational, entrepreneurial and business opportunities for employment, networking and know-how transfer to young population, academic, private and public sector. Mission To improve the...

New model predicts ten year breast cancer risk

  New model predicts ten year breast cancer risk. A team of researchers at the University of Oxford, led by the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, have developed a new model that reliably predicts a woman's likelihood of developing...

3,5 years at the core of Horizon Europe – preparing the future

3,5 years at the core of Horizon Europe – preparing the future. Julien Guerrier As Director of the Common Policy Centre (CPC) for Horizon Europe at the European Commission, my gaze has been fixed on Europe’s future to ensure that EU...

2023 edition of the BRIDGE publication to boost innovation

  Zabala Innovation, under the supervision of the European Commission – Directorate-General for Energy and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency – CINEA, has produced the new BRIDGE 2023 brochure, which provides in-depth information on the activities of the European...

Bulgaria: suspected irregularities of over €140 million in railway infrastructure project

  Bulgaria: suspected irregularities of over €140 million in railway infrastructure project. Investigations carried out by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) have pointed to possible irregularities in the implementation of a railway infrastructure...

ACRID Science and Diplomacy Ambassador H.E. Dr.Andrijana Cvetkovic

  ACRID Science and Diplomacy Ambassador H.E. Dr.Andrijana Cvetkovic Special Advisor for International Affairs Special Advisor for International Affairs to The Government of Japan, Agency for Cultural Affairs (BUNKACHO). Additional: Advisor to the Minister of Culture of Japan (Mr. Shun Tokura)...

EIT Food accelerates innovation to build a future-fit food system

  EIT Food accelerates innovation to build a future-fit food system that produces healthy and sustainable food for all. We create connections right across the food system that stimulate new ideas and innovations to drive change: between startups and corporates; between...

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