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Horizon Europe, Euratom, Erasmus: What EU programmes has the UK signed up for?

After the limbo years following its exit from the EU, the UK has become an associated member of the EU research programme, Horizon Europe. The €95.5 billion seven year programme funds projects all the way from basic research to commercialisation, and most...

Register to European Week of Regions and Cities

  European Week of Regions and Cities. The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. It has grown to become a neutral platform to discuss common challenges for Europe's regions and cities...

EU Industry Days 2023 4-6 October in Málaga, Spain

  The EU Industry Days are Europe’s flagship annual event focusing on key industrial policy discussions, connecting industrial frontrunners, and boosting the knowledge base of European industry. During the 2023 edition, a wide range of plenary and parallel sessions will focus...

22-User Food and Feed Safety, Logistics and Supply Chain

The chair of this working group is: Dr.Zoran Atansov, Doctor Veterinary Medicine. Current employer Institute of Accreditation of Republic N.Macedonia. Advisor-Coordinator for accreditation on laboratories for calibration of instruments. Prime minister personnel adviser for Agriculture, Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary...

16 to 22 September – Mobility Week 2023

European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) 16 to 22 September – Mobility Week 2023 ; Discover HaDEA-managed projects contributing to sustainable urban mobility. Mobility Week is the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility. The event takes place every...

Malmo Office and Task Force Work Group – Conflict Resolution, Migrant and Refugee Integration

Asif Khan Head of EuroDesk Malmö & EU Project Coordinator. He is the founder and project manager of Centre for Capacity Building & Empowerment in Sweden. He also works as project leader for youth & EU affairs for Malmö...

About ACRID Network

About ACRID Network. First lesion is courage. Nobody has ever achieved anything big in business, or in any walk of life without courage. Of course, whenever you do anything big, you do feel a little scared. But, you’ve got to conquer fear to discover the hidden hero within you....

1-Agriculture and Agroeconomic Working Group

  The Chair of this working group is Prof. Dr. Kemal Celik.  Dr. Kemal Celik holds a position of Professor at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey Animal Science Department Canakkale-Turkey. He has completed his Ph.D. in Poultry Nutrition from Cukurova University,...

7-Entrepreneurship and Startups

The chair of this working group is Associate Prof.Dr.Deniz Tuncalp He is elected General Manager at the new ITU 1773 ITU Teknopark in which the Istanbul Teknik University has the majority shares. Founding the new technology transfer office for commercialization...

9-Environment and Waste Working Group

The chair of this working group TBC by October. The "Environment and Waste" working group will focus on addressing environmental challenges related to waste management, conservation, and sustainability. The specific activities and objectives of this group will depend on its...

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