EU Policy

OLAF and Greek authorities stop over 15 tones of illicit refrigerant gases

  The Greek authorities have seized 15.6 tonnes of illicit refrigerant gases thanks to support provided by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). F-gases – or HFCs – are used in refrigerant equipment like air conditioners or refrigerators. However, because of...

Regional Innovation Valleys calls for proposals are now open

  The European Commission has launched today complementary calls for proposals under the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument and the European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE) part of Horizon Europe.. In line with of the New European Innovation Agenda, the Regional Innovation Valleys (RIVs) aim to create connected regional innovation...

Madrid Declaration on Science Diplomacy

THE MADRID DECLARATION ON SCIENCE DIPLOMACY PREAMBLE Science diplomacy has long been a tool to develop bilateral and multilateral relationships. However, the definition and applications of science diplomacy have broadened considerably in recent years. This conceptual broadening coincides with the growing...

EU Rotating Presidency

  The rotating presidency of the Council. The Council is chaired by a rotating presidency. Each Member State takes a six-month term at the helm, chairing Council meetings themselves as well as the gatherings of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper)...

16-Professionalization of Evaluation and Public Policies

The head of this working group is Vlatko Danilov MSc President of IRIPE Inter-Regional Initiative for Professionalization of Evaluation, and conference Former Coordinator of NESE, head of MEN. Activist and expert in development evaluation with experience in building evaluation systems....

Science Diplomacy: Vision, Instruments And Actors

  Science Diplomacy: Vision, Instruments And Actors. Showing this figure will allow trainees to understand ways in which science diplomacy can contribute to solving global challenges, to understand different aspects of the concept and to broaden the understanding that different actors...

(No) sugar for my honey: OLAF investigates honey fraud

  The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) provided investigative support and on-the-spot checks in an EU action against honey adulteration led by the European Commission. ‘From the hives’ – as it was dubbed – was an EU coordinated action led by the...

What is Science Diplomacy?

Global challenges are becoming increasingly complex, interconnected and interdependent, requiring expert knowledge to understand the potential consequences of political action. At the same time, science, technology and innovation have been both a driver and enabler of global change, with...
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Workshop on Plastics, Rubber and Recycling

An international workshop on rubber recycling, polymer technology, and EU-funded projects. ETRA and AIMPLAS are organizing a dynamic workshop designed to explore...
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