Science Diplomacy

ACRID&K4I Event at the European Parliament 30-31 January – Supporting the Drivers of the Green and Digital Transition

The ACRID Network and K4I Forum are organizing the event called Supporting the Drivers of the Green and Digital Transition in Associated and Candidate Countries, that will take place in the 30 and 31 January 2024, European Parliament in Brussels...

Science Diplomacy for EU Green and Digital Transition

Description In this session we will bring together policy makers, including from Missions to the EU from Candidates Countries, scientists and researchers, entrepreneurs to explain their activities and express their needs for the green and digital transition and how to...

ACRID at the K4I “Green Pioneers Workshop: Leading the Green and Digital Transition” in the European Parliament

Distinguish Speakers, Experts, Colleagues and Friends at the K4I Forum in the European Parliament 's 15th European Innovation Summit, taking place in the European Parliament in Brussels hosted by MEP Maria Da Graça Carvalho . ACRID Network presentation and capacity building for...

1st European Science Diplomacy Conference

In view of the increasing complexity and interconnectedness of global challenges, pressures on global commons, the impact of emerging technologies, and not least the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, science diplomacy plays an ever-greater role, also in view...

New EU-Africa Innovation Agenda to enhance cooperation in science, technology and innovation

  The New EU-Africa Innovation Agenda to enhance cooperation in science, technology and innovation. Yesterday, the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) adopted the new joint AU-EU Innovation Agenda,EN••• which aims to transform and increase the innovative capacities and achievements...

Madrid Declaration on Science Diplomacy

THE MADRID DECLARATION ON SCIENCE DIPLOMACY PREAMBLE Science diplomacy has long been a tool to develop bilateral and multilateral relationships. However, the definition and applications of science diplomacy have broadened considerably in recent years. This conceptual broadening coincides with the growing...

Science Diplomacy: Vision, Instruments And Actors

  Science Diplomacy: Vision, Instruments And Actors. Showing this figure will allow trainees to understand ways in which science diplomacy can contribute to solving global challenges, to understand different aspects of the concept and to broaden the understanding that different actors...

What is Science Diplomacy?

Global challenges are becoming increasingly complex, interconnected and interdependent, requiring expert knowledge to understand the potential consequences of political action. At the same time, science, technology and innovation have been both a driver and enabler of global change, with...

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Istanbul – Discussion Panels and Info Day Centralized Erasmus and Horizon Europe 26-27 February

26th January - Panel discussions Panel1: “Digital Transformation and Innovation Ecosystems” and Panel2:“Green Economy and Climate Action” Keynote Speakers: publishing...
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